Written by Sophia Renner, Student Engagement Coordinator
Applications for SODA's $1,000 advocacy scholarships are open through June 15th, 2023.
Our scholarships are a great opportunity to make a difference and get some financial support for your studies, all while pursuing something you're passionate about, so continue reading to learn more about the scholarships and your eligibility!

Loralee Bergdall, one of SODA’s 2022 Student Advocacy Scholarship recipients
Eligibility Requirements
If you're looking for a scholarship to support your passion for organ donation advocacy, SODA National has you covered.
To apply:
You must be enrolled in a college or university for the 2023-2024 school year.
You cannot have received a scholarship from SODA National in 2022.
If selected as a scholarship recipient, there are additional requirements:
Recipients will need to organize an organ donation advocacy event by the end of the Fall 2023 semester. You can host a registration drive, lead an article discussion, bring in a guest speaker, or come up with your own unique idea. This is your chance to shine!
Recipients are required to attend a networking session in July 2023 and an awards ceremony in January 2024. Mark your calendars!
For more information about scholarship eligibility and how funds will be released, please visit SODA’s scholarships page.
Student Advocacy Scholarship
Second Chance Fundraising is sponsoring five $1,000 scholarships for students who are passionate about promoting organ, eye, and tissue donation. This scholarship is all about recognizing and supporting students who are dedicated to advocating for organ donation.

Brianne Dollar, one of SODA’s 2022 Student Advocacy Scholarship recipients
HBCU Organ and Tissue Donation Advocacy Scholarship
Hearts for Russ is sponsoring five $1,000 scholarships for students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This scholarship is designed to recognize and support students who are passionate about advocating for organ donation in their communities.
“It was so fun to educate my peers on the importance of organ donation, said Hope Byrant, one of SODA’s 2022 HBCU Organ and Tissue Donation Advocacy Scholarship recipients. “I received a lot of good feedback from people loving what I was doing.”
Laurie Smith Memorial Scholarship
The Laurie Smith Memorial Scholarship, also sponsored by Second Chance Fundraising, is offering one $1,000 scholarship in honor of Laurie Smith, the mother of a heart transplant recipient. This scholarship celebrates her life and provides financial support to students who have received a transplant and are passionate about advocating for organ donation.
Apply for our scholarships here!
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